Saturday, November 19, 2011

Societal Schizophrenics {WHO ARE YOU?}

SCHIZOPHRENIA - n. 1) A severe mental disorder characterized some by not necessarily all of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior delusions and hallucinations

2) n. A state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements.

1) n. A psychotic reactions marked by withdrawal, from reality with highly variable accompanying affective, behavioral & intellectual disturbances
(Webster II New Riverside University Dictionary)

SOCIETY - 1a) n. The totality of social relationships among human beings  (b) A group of human beings broadly distinguished from other groups by interest, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions and a common culture.

2a) The rich, privileged and fashionable social class (b). The socially dominate members of a community.
(Webster II New Riverside University Dictionary)

  As always family I must define what it is that I'm speaking on in order to get clearer overstanding of my thoughts I'm stringing together for awakening purposes.

I begin this with a simple question:


  The ability or inability to answer these three words will give way to EVERYTHING that is going on in your life right about now. Based on who you are or who you think you are or who you have accepted that you are lies the answer to EVERY issue, problem, pain, hurt, joy, happiness, misery, expectations, so on and so forth. Depending on who you say you are will also determine who you think EVERYBODY else is in YOUR world is in relations to who you believe you are.

"WE see things not as they truly are, but as we are." Dr. Na'im Akbar, Ph.D

  Society teaches us to be able to multi task and be more than just you. We are "encouraged" (manipulated) through indoctrination, propaganda, advertisement and the mass media to strive to be; instead of just BEing. We are shown that success is for those with particular titles, labels, careers, letters before and after their names. We measure happiness through material gain, associations, organizations and through a imaginary value system . We are taught early on to be a chameleon or a "Jack of All Trades", but a Master of NOTHING; especially SELF.

  So, here we are taking on "roles" like thespians in stage production. The question is who's writing the script, who's stage are you performing on, who's composing the music, working the lights and more importantly who's the creator and director of YOUR Life's script. You are given script; a part to "play" and you're ready to perform on cue. You're PRETENDING to be something you are not.

  We have been wearing many many masks/labels/titles for so long that our core personality is quietly declining in power. This is a method that is done intentionally to ensure that you never awaken to the power that lies dormant inside of you. We have been role playing for so long that we have accepted this schizophrenia behavior as normality as well as chaos and confusion. You may have to ask or wonder with most people who are they going to be today or the next hour. Many have become a blank canvas for others to paint the portriat of who they want you to be. There is a society of individuals who need us to stay lost, dazed and open to subliminal suggestions in order for fulfill their agenda using non-thinking humans as the workforce; mental slave.

  What we are dealing with is HUMAN CLONING. This is done by way PSYCHOLOGICAL CLONING the masses through varies mediums like entertainment, magazines, music, sports, fashion and using other lost souls dubbed "celebrities" to manipulate the masses into a "Monkey See Monkey Do" game of Follow The Leader(s). We see evidence of this psychological cloning everyday by what everybody is singing, wearing or the subject matter in which the MAJORITY of lost ones are entertaining and engaging in. You have been performing a script on cue to debate about something that the media has generated for to waste valuable time and spread more illogical, uninformed view points on. How are you giving YOUR opinion when they taught you how to think, what to believe, who to worship and where to go. There are so many distractions including the human ones. The masses have become to busy to seek any other forms of knowledge/information. So, they depended on you being lazy, so that they can spoon feed you to grow into the direction needed to maintain a disagreeable agenda for you an AGREEABLE Being. Who Are You, if you're doing what EVERYBODY is doing; certainly not an individual.

  Okay here's an exercise that everyone can do. All that is required is for you to make a list of all your titles, labels & name. For the purpose of this blog/exercise I'll use mine as the example:

"Erick B., "E", Blood, ThirdsEyeView, Brother, son, father, Black, Handsome, cousin, writer, smart, kind, hard worker, teacher, great listener, boss, manager, friend, independent, inspiring, loved, freak, African decent, volunteer, recovering addict, felon, angry, fearful, fearless, hustlers, caring, hard-headed, intelligent, know-it-all, hater, interesting, insecure, blogger, strong, over thinker, reader, analyzer, so on and so forth."

Society Schizophrenia is trying to live by the definitions that coming along with each title/name/label as defined by a ass backwards, warped and distorted society that most have come to believe and trust as the final and ultimate authority. It's impossible to be yourself through the definitions and standards of a deceptive machine that needs you not to be you.

Now, strip away everything off the list that you wrote down.

I ask you again:


by Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

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