There are conflicts, arguments, misunderstandings, wars, killings (fill free to add whatever else) based on our opinions of what we THINK we know. There is great understanding and no Overstanding of what is reality and what is illusion. It's not what I knew that caused me pain; it was what I didn't know and overstand that caused me discomfort. There was a point in my life where I stopped growing mentally & spiritually. I began indulging and educating myself in subjects that feed my egoic mind. I searched for identity in my association with people, places, & things. Materialism and Self Absorption became the new gospel (Ghost-Spell) and creed of my existence. Everything around me was based in a reward system. My 6 yrs of service in the United States Marine Corps taught me that money, power, privilege came with every stripe I earned. The entertainment world and the mass media pushed success with titles, position, money, cars, degrees, and who you associated with. Grade school gave stars by the names of the children who did great job that day. "Their" definitions slowly became my definitions. "Their" lies slowly became my truths. "Their" illusions became my reality.
Two years ago I was sitting in another Rehab & Treatment facility trying to get that monkey that was now a full grown Silver Back Gorilla off my back again. As I was sitting in one the group sessions expressing my thoughts of doing something different, the counselor continued asking the same damn question "What do you mean by that?" "Is that the definition of that word or is it YOUR definition of that word?" Fuck, have I been living off misunderstood words, quotes, and a distorted beliefs for all these years. I was doing the same things; calling it different and getting the same results; which by the way is INSANITY! My THINKING had not changed in many many years, which is why I was always stressed, angry,depressed, lonely and hopeless. It was time to humble myself and surrender to the FACT that I did not know it all and that I was a very closed minded individual. In the Basic Text Book used in Narcotics Anonymous it says that "everything we know about the truth is subject to revision"
What I have found is that people will alter the definitions of something to make it fit their reality, which is actually a conceptualized one. I, myself did not want the truth, because if I accepted it I would HAVE TO CHANGE the false reality that I have worked so hard to make real for myself and others. The EGO is a muthafucka! Accepting the true definition on one subject caused a domino effect to ripple through my life. By accepting truth, living a lie becomes encumbering. Many of us will not seek higher enlightenment, just so we can be right in our OWN eyes. We then teach this same distorted and misinformation to our children; which in the long run will be their destruction, if they themselves choose to follow our same path of ignorance. This is the moment of truth: a): lay down our false pride and ego and embark upon a spiritual awakening; b): DIE! Not only is it important to know the meaning of anything, but also overstand it. Denial will be the greatest barrier to achieving a restoration of the spirit. Denial will tell us we don't have a problem everyone else does.
Here are few words that inner twine with each other and are heavily misunderstood: Faith; Trust; Belief(Believe); Hope
*FAITH - 1) confidence or TRUST in a person of thing; 2) BELIEF that is not based on proof 3) a system of religious BELIEFS
*TRUST - 1) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc of a person of thing; CONFIDENCE; 2) confident EXPECTATION of something; HOPE 3) a person on whom or thing on which one relies
*BELIEF - 1) something BELIEVED; an opinion of conviction; 2) CONFIDENCE in the TRUTH or existence of something NOT immediately susceptible to rigorous proof 3) CONFIDENCE; FAITH; TRUST
*HOPE - 1) the FEELING that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best; 2) a particular instance of this FEELING; 3) grounds for this FEELING in a particular instance 4) <span>a person or thing in which EXPECTATIONS are centered 5) something that is HOPED for</span>
*BELIEVE(BE-LIE) - 1) to have CONFIDENCE in the TRUTH, the existence, or the reliability of something, although WITHOUT ABSOLUTE PROOF that one is right in doing so; 2) to have CONFIDENCE or FAITH in the TRUTH of; 5) to suppose or assume
*CONFIDENCE - 1) full TRUST; BELIEF in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing; 2) BELIEF in oneself and one's power; self confidence
The above words are some the most repeatedly used words within this American society, if not the world over. These words inner twine heavily with one another. My question to you is the same question that counselor presented to me "Who's definitions are you living by? The correct one or your interpretation, that will justify you doing what you have always done." The above words have us looking everywhere OUTSIDE of ourselves to fill that void we have on the INSIDE. It is up to you as an individual to fulfill and restore joy and peace in your life. Happiness is a INSIDE JOB! Everything you will EVERY NEED was given to you upon your conception into these physical realm. When our spirits incarnated in these flesh & bone bodies; it came with the essence of the universe and The Creators of it. We MUST go inside and reactivate what has laid dormant due to intentional misdirection of our souls by those who want us to die, before we rule this universe again.
We cannot awaken the God Being within us following a doctrine of lies design to extract our divinity, which is our birth rights. You can begin to change your fate and your lives by asking yourself simple questions like:
Why do I do what I do?
Who's really in control?
Why do I believe what I believe?
I'm doing what I was told and life gets
harder. Why?
Where do I get my answers from?
Who do I follow and why?
Why do I follow and not lead?
Is what I'm doing working or do I think it's
Do you BELIEVE or do you KNOW?
Soon you will discover that many things you do or believe were given to you or taught to you. Where did the people or doctrines get it from, when they passed it own to you? Maybe it was my parents parents parents. Which they got it from the plantation during slavery. This is how many of our traditions were created. So, what were we doing prior to being oppressed slaves? We were Kings and Queens of our own land for millions of years. Before the English language, before Moses, Joseph, Noah, Abraham, Jesus of the Holy Bible. How do you define that era of time? We are living through the understanding, rules, laws, & traditions from post-slavery, not pre-slavery. We find ourselves doing things, because everyone else is doing it, so it must be right, right? Wrong. I employ you to find the sources of all you know. Once you discover right knowledge; you become like a onion with many layers. You will peel away layer after layer; getting closer to overstanding what it means to DEFINING DEFINITIONS OF LIFE.
By Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.
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