Saturday, November 19, 2011

Societal Schizophrenics {WHO ARE YOU?}

SCHIZOPHRENIA - n. 1) A severe mental disorder characterized some by not necessarily all of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior delusions and hallucinations

2) n. A state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements.

1) n. A psychotic reactions marked by withdrawal, from reality with highly variable accompanying affective, behavioral & intellectual disturbances
(Webster II New Riverside University Dictionary)

SOCIETY - 1a) n. The totality of social relationships among human beings  (b) A group of human beings broadly distinguished from other groups by interest, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions and a common culture.

2a) The rich, privileged and fashionable social class (b). The socially dominate members of a community.
(Webster II New Riverside University Dictionary)

  As always family I must define what it is that I'm speaking on in order to get clearer overstanding of my thoughts I'm stringing together for awakening purposes.

I begin this with a simple question:


  The ability or inability to answer these three words will give way to EVERYTHING that is going on in your life right about now. Based on who you are or who you think you are or who you have accepted that you are lies the answer to EVERY issue, problem, pain, hurt, joy, happiness, misery, expectations, so on and so forth. Depending on who you say you are will also determine who you think EVERYBODY else is in YOUR world is in relations to who you believe you are.

"WE see things not as they truly are, but as we are." Dr. Na'im Akbar, Ph.D

  Society teaches us to be able to multi task and be more than just you. We are "encouraged" (manipulated) through indoctrination, propaganda, advertisement and the mass media to strive to be; instead of just BEing. We are shown that success is for those with particular titles, labels, careers, letters before and after their names. We measure happiness through material gain, associations, organizations and through a imaginary value system . We are taught early on to be a chameleon or a "Jack of All Trades", but a Master of NOTHING; especially SELF.

  So, here we are taking on "roles" like thespians in stage production. The question is who's writing the script, who's stage are you performing on, who's composing the music, working the lights and more importantly who's the creator and director of YOUR Life's script. You are given script; a part to "play" and you're ready to perform on cue. You're PRETENDING to be something you are not.

  We have been wearing many many masks/labels/titles for so long that our core personality is quietly declining in power. This is a method that is done intentionally to ensure that you never awaken to the power that lies dormant inside of you. We have been role playing for so long that we have accepted this schizophrenia behavior as normality as well as chaos and confusion. You may have to ask or wonder with most people who are they going to be today or the next hour. Many have become a blank canvas for others to paint the portriat of who they want you to be. There is a society of individuals who need us to stay lost, dazed and open to subliminal suggestions in order for fulfill their agenda using non-thinking humans as the workforce; mental slave.

  What we are dealing with is HUMAN CLONING. This is done by way PSYCHOLOGICAL CLONING the masses through varies mediums like entertainment, magazines, music, sports, fashion and using other lost souls dubbed "celebrities" to manipulate the masses into a "Monkey See Monkey Do" game of Follow The Leader(s). We see evidence of this psychological cloning everyday by what everybody is singing, wearing or the subject matter in which the MAJORITY of lost ones are entertaining and engaging in. You have been performing a script on cue to debate about something that the media has generated for to waste valuable time and spread more illogical, uninformed view points on. How are you giving YOUR opinion when they taught you how to think, what to believe, who to worship and where to go. There are so many distractions including the human ones. The masses have become to busy to seek any other forms of knowledge/information. So, they depended on you being lazy, so that they can spoon feed you to grow into the direction needed to maintain a disagreeable agenda for you an AGREEABLE Being. Who Are You, if you're doing what EVERYBODY is doing; certainly not an individual.

  Okay here's an exercise that everyone can do. All that is required is for you to make a list of all your titles, labels & name. For the purpose of this blog/exercise I'll use mine as the example:

"Erick B., "E", Blood, ThirdsEyeView, Brother, son, father, Black, Handsome, cousin, writer, smart, kind, hard worker, teacher, great listener, boss, manager, friend, independent, inspiring, loved, freak, African decent, volunteer, recovering addict, felon, angry, fearful, fearless, hustlers, caring, hard-headed, intelligent, know-it-all, hater, interesting, insecure, blogger, strong, over thinker, reader, analyzer, so on and so forth."

Society Schizophrenia is trying to live by the definitions that coming along with each title/name/label as defined by a ass backwards, warped and distorted society that most have come to believe and trust as the final and ultimate authority. It's impossible to be yourself through the definitions and standards of a deceptive machine that needs you not to be you.

Now, strip away everything off the list that you wrote down.

I ask you again:


by Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WE CAN and WE SHALL (10 minute thought)

We Can UNIFY on common grounds
We Can LOVE ourselves
We Can SUPPLY our very own needs
We Can Rise ABOVE a low level of functioning
We Can BUILD a collective mindset

We Shall SEE the truth written on the wall
We Shall BE the Gods/Goddesses we are
We Shall LIVE collectively as ONE body
We Shall KNOW who we are not
We Shall LAY a foundation to a new life


By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 21, 2011


  I have spoken and have heard many speak on being FREE and achieving FREEDOM. My conundrum of these terms leaves me somewhat perplexed and in the context in which they are used has befuddled me.  The terms being free/freedom has been synonymous with Black people since the enslavement of Africans throughout the world. It appears that the relationship with the term "FREE/FREEDOM" gained momentum with the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. Well, let's just say it became embedded within our psyche through the AmeriKKKan 'dumb'ification system know by its alias to most as education. Fast forward 101 half years later we get reintroduce to this recycled connections with Blacks & the need to be Free/Freedom; along with also wanting to be "EQUAL" to a lesser with the Civil Rights Act of July 2, 1964. How are we born FREE and now are seeking FREEDOM? Let us define what it is we are speaking on:

  FREE - adjective. 1) enjoying PERSONAL rights or liberty, as person not in slavery.  2) pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy PERSONAL liberty 6) able to do something at will; at liberty 9) exempt or released from something specified that controls, restraints, burdens, etc

  FREEDOM - noun. 1) the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. 2) exempt from EXTERNAL control, interference, regulation 3) the POWER to determine action without restraint 6) exemption from the presence of anything specified 7) the absence of or release from ties, OBLIGATIONS 11) the absence of ceremony or reserve 15) the right to enjoy all the privileges or special rights of citizenship, membership, etc, in a community or the like

  LIBERTY - noun. 1) freedom from arbitrary of despotic government of control.  2) freedom from external or foreign rule; independence 3) freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc power or right of doing, thinking speaking, etc.; according to CHOICE

  In order for someone needing to be free; they first have to be convinced that they're current status is that of some type of bondage and/or limited/restricted movement. I found that most aren't asking the right questions or just not concerned with questioning anything about WHY do you do or think what you think. Long-term conditioning over several hundred years has placed withIN the subconscious spirit/mind of Africans residing AmeriKKKa that we are the inferior, the minority and that we are incapable of providing (surviving) without their education, their current system, their governing laws and the God in their image.  We have become a race of people who have become co-dependent to a lesser and more primitive being and governing body of rule.  We have been bombarded with images of  Europeans being the superior race through books, tel-LIE-vision, stories, religion, government and fear tactics

  When our ancestors were ENSLAVED not slaves; they would inject fear into the minds of other enslaved Afrikaans by making them witness the barbaric acts committed against our ancestors. They would gather all the Afrikaans together a make them observe as they would castrate the men or decapitate the heads of Afrikaans who bucked their system. They would make us watch has they would hang pregnant women upside down and split them open has the baby would hang out of the mother's wound. Men, women and children were forced to watch these inhumane and ghastly acts as a form of MIND CONTROL.  These same imagines are alive, more advanced and accepted today in our community.  They call it ENTERTAINMENT! The offspring of those who committed those monstrous acts against us are still doing psychological damage(MIND CONTROL) to us by the millions through the music industry, Hollywood movies, magazines and through the miseducation of our youth with  HIS-STORY and they call OUR STORY a mystery (MY-STORY).  They are creating GODS for us to worship is the form of actors/actresses, entertainers, rappers/singers, top models, etc. They know we are addicted to the Image of the Beast and beLIEve whatever they author, direct, teach or speak on.

  FEAR, CONDITIONING and IMAGERY are 3 of the many other tools used against us to have us believe that we need to fight and beg for something that we already are.....FREE!

 Freedom is a choice that we all make as individuals. Our choices are what keeps us in bondage and at the mercy of others.  We have become enslaved by our own admissions and decisions to live a lifestyle that society says is success. We think the things we want are the things we need due to advertisement and commercialism. We have voluntarily accepted the Image, Thoughts and Desires of the Beast as our very own.  When we suffer from lack of having KNOWLEDGE of SELF and of OURSTORY we automatically become victims to our very own ignorance; hence causing our enslavement.  So, now many of us ban together with other lost souls and begin our campaign to ask our oppressors to treat them equally and fairly.  Honestly, they cannot solve our ultimate problem, which is US! 

  Nubians have fallen under the Spell of Kingu(Leviathan):
"The is an evil hypnotic spell cast upon the Nubian people(Ptahites Ethiopian-Kuwshites) everywhere called KINGU.  KINGU is "The Spell of Sleep" (of the subconscious mind) or what is commonly known as "The Spell of Leviathan" which is enforced through religious propaganda that promotes scriptures such as the Bible and Koran, as indisputable sacred books. Religion itself, is a spell. How? Religion Is A Spell because it keeps you thinking that someone is going to save you, when the helping hand that you're looking for is at the end of your arm. RELIGION IS A SPELL because it has you believing that you can't anything of worth until after you die, when all you have to do is work for it...." Dr. Malachi Kobina York 
  Our inability to use critical thinking to ask ourselves about what is going on versus what we are told is going on has us pursing and fighting for lost causes.  We are spending to much time chasing Unicorns, Four Leaf Clovers, Leprechauns and rubbing rabbits feet. In other words we are dealing with REAL LIFE issues with illusionary, misinformed, distorted belief, perception and programmed thinking patterns. The only FREEDOM we need is from ourselves that operate on false interpretations and doctrines.  So, let's quit asking other people or entities to FREE us! Regain control of your mind and you'll find the FREEDOM you seek!

By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My Love is the Voice with no Words,
My Love is the Sound you never Heard.
My Love is the Touch that's not Physical,
My Love is the Feeling that's Spiritual.
My Love is the Vision which eyes can not See,
My Love is the Picture of just You and Me.
My Love is the Antidote that works slow or Quick,
My Love is the Cure for a world that's so Sick.
My Love is the Change that the Universe Longs,
My Love is the Thang that will always be Strong.
My Love is the Energy that took Human Form,
My Love is the Gift from the Stars I was Born.
My Love is the Bridge to connect Hurts to Hope,
My Love is the Comfort Zone to help you Cope,
My Love is the Yes and never a Nope,
My Love is the Action of words I never Spoke.
My Love is many things as wide as the sky is Blue,

MY LOVE IS......Simply for YOU!!!

By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Brother (You Are Beautiful)

(GUEST BLOG by Brandy Jones aka @brandyejones)
My brother, my brother..Is there anything
more beautiful
than you?

From the deepest black
to the fairest of tones
each flavor
proves delicious
as my eyes
feast on your features
and my ears
drink in your wisdom.

For millennia,
you've been studied..
forced into seperation
while they attempted
but failed..
for a God cannot be mocked.

You were beaten,
and broken..
forced to be ornaments
"decorating" the southern bark..
indoctrinated with negativity
in hopes that you would forget
who you really are..
but a King cannot be silenced.

The blood of royals
blesses your veins
and I SEE the power
in every step you take.

Every breath you expel
every word you speak
every seed you plant
is love.

You are strength,
and gentleness,
bound together by a truth
so divine
it goes unrecognized by most men.

(Praises to the Most High..
for incarnating me as a Black Woman.)

My brother, my brother,
you will know how beautiful
you are..

..because as long as I breathe
I will never let you forget it.

Brandy E. Jones 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


    I've been a Builder and Architect through the BLOOD of my Ancestral connections.  We all are.  Unfortunately this discovery has only being within recent years. In my past I have contrived a construction project that I was completely unaware of.  I had been GIVEN ALL the tools, plus a blueprint to engineer one of the greatest structures introduced to the world via ME.  The material used to fabricated this WALL are a compound of elements that would take years to bind together.  This task is without a doubt a collective effort from many who will benefit from my blood, sweat, and tears, literally.  My efforts will empower one group and disappoint another.  I found many who were in line with me, so I recruited these like minded individuals who FELT, BELIEVED AND THOUGHT as I did. Together we will be able to BUILD cities, countries and even universes. So, the project simply know as "THE WALL" is now in the making.


  Now the BLUEPRINT has been drawn up for more than 400+ years for the "construction" of these massive WALLS they have employed so many of us to erect.  I was unaware of the excavation period of  our MINDS, CULTURE AND SPIRITS.  So unnaturally I accepted the tools that were giving to me not knowing the collaboration efforts of  this "Construction Company" and their plans to use me as well as others to build our own "town".  The "BLUEPRINT" was designed where psychologically they would be able to instill within us the desire and will to produce these structures with limited to no supervision from them.  So, through fear tactics, confusion, chaos and lack of self knowledge we are ready for the "TOOLS" to begin this task.                                         


 The tools I was given were IDEOLOGIES, BELIEFS, INDOCTRINATION, RELIGION, LACK OF CULTURE and UNDERSTANDING rather than OVERSTANDING of SELF.  These tools were introduced to me through Tell-LIE-vision, mass media, rituals, traditions, education systems and my surroundings.  Even though I was born with the wealth and knowledge of  a Construction Company through my lineage of my great great great grandparents who were responsible for many of today's systems and wonders; one being the  PYRAMIDS.  They knew of these marvels, our abilities and knowledge that would be past down to myself, my brothers and my sisters, because it was our inheritance by birth right and in our BLOODLINESSo, before I would realize that I AM a CREATOR/GOD, they suppressed and defocus my mind disabling it from expanding and growing to its full abilities and potentials. They need me to be DEPENDENT on them rather than INDEPENDENT from them.  The objective is to make me believe I can never do for myself and direct me away from being one with NATURE.


The materials used in these projects were some of the strongest compositions introduced to the Human psychic. When these materials are cured and molded over time it can become impenetrable as any natural element produced by nature.  However, the blessing in that is it would only SEEM that it's that sturdy, but our true nature will always prevail.  The materials have been molding and forming for more than 400+ years. The material includes: IGNORANCE, FEAR, SHAME, GUILT, ENVY, HATE, DESPAIR, IRRITABILITY, HOPELESSNESS, FAITH, DEPENDENCE,  LACK OF SELF, RAPE, MURDER, SELF HATRED, DENIAL, SELFISHNESS. WORTHLESSNESS and SPIRITUAL, MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL BANKRUPTCY. Those are just a few of the raw materials, when compounded over time can create one of the most unyielding material known to man. 

  Now I begin to "construct" mental barriers (walls) using the above materials, which I laid BRICK BY BRICK.  After years of going along with the designed BLUEPRINT executed with the provided TOOLS my "WALL" grows in height and width.  I began to defend off anyone who is seemingly trying to destroy, that which I have worked so long and so hard to achieve.  Those individuals are labeled automatically as troublemakers, heathens, devils, sinners, etc. I was programmed to reject any other 'BLUEPRINTS" that were unfamiliar and new.  This in turn caused me to add more to my "WALL" to insure that none of those individuals or ideas will gain access to me.

  Along my path I would meet persons who themselves have also at one time or another been employed by the same "Construction Company" and overstood my plight and mission.  They knew that my "WALL" was composed over the years by laying ONE BRICK at a time.  They knew that the only way to bring this massive monument down, without me feeling threaten was to do it BRICK BY BRICK.  They began slowly by asking me about the BLUEPRINTS, TOOLS and MATERIALS I was GIVEN!  Once I began answering my own questions and motives the bricks were being removed unaware by me. Once enough of those materials (issues/lies/character defects/unmanagable emotions) were removed I began to see more of the REAL world, instead of the illusionary and fabricated reality that was outlined for me in "their" blueprint.

  As my "WALLS" were slowly being torn down; my vision was becoming less impaired.  I was now beginnng to see that my "CONSTRUCTION" efforts were in reality a "DESTRUCTION" process of my NATURAL NATURE/SPIRIT. The "CONSTRUCTION" company was in fact a DESTRUCTIVE force set to destroy and eliminate an entire culture of people from whom they feared would one day raise again; as dictated by NATURE and her CYCLES.   Those individuals who came to my aid were BUILDERS, who dismantle the efforts of the enemy by building me up and allowing my Mind's Eye to SEE for itself......again!  What "WALLS" are hiding behind?  What "WALLS" are obstructing your view?  What "WALLS" are blocking the mirror that will show you; YOU?

  These same "WALLS" also create that IMAGINARY BOX you insist on living in.  We must escape our self made prison where the guards are our failure to wake up to the truths around us.  You are holding yourself hostage by refusing to be (HOW) HONEST, OPEN-MINDED and WILLING to do anything other than what you have always done.  New ideas cannot be grafted on a closed mind.  The world around us is changing rapidly, however we refuse to change with it.  History has proven that those who do not adapt and evolve will perish by their own stubbornness.

  In conclusion it was a must that I reexamined what I consider to be truth and question EVERY AND ALL THINGS that influenced my life and decisions making.  My Thoughts become My Words, which become My Action, which become My Habits, which becomes My Character which, becomes My Destiny.

So the question is what FORMED and CREATED your THOUGHTS?


By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrights 2011. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, August 8, 2011


There are many battles being fought right now; both external and internal. The number one offender of these outbreaks; in my humble opinion is the EGO. "My cause is greater than yours", I'm right you're wrong", "My religion & God is the CORRECT way to salvation" and so on. Simply a blame game and finger pointing justice without accountability or discernment. As always I must define that in which I have targeted to keep us on the same vibrational wave and you YOURSELF may come into your OWN overstanding & conclusion.

Your thinking, the content of your mind, is of course conditioned by the past: your upbringing, culture, family background, and so on. The central core of all your mind activity consists of certain repetitive and persistent thoughts, emotions, and reactive patterns that you identify with most strongly. This entity is the EGO itself.

A NEW EARTH Awakening to Your Life's Purpose pg 59-60:
by Eckhart Tolle

EGO: 1) The"I" of self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.

2) Psychoanal. the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment  

3) egotism; conceit; self-importance

4) self-esteem or self-image; feelings

(Online dictionary-DICTIONARY.COM)

  I was entering the Decatur Train Station one morning, I observed a young mother with two children entering the fare gates. The mother and the oldest child; maybe 5 or 6 yrs old had enter the gate and the little girl about 3 or 4 yrs old was trailing behind as the automatic gate was about to close. The mother was screaming at the little girl to hurry, but she was being nonchalant. When she made it through the fare gate the mother PUNCHED this child to the floor! She then snatched her up by her coat with whiplash force and screaming at the top of her lungs about her moving to slow. I was unable to bite my tongue and yelled at her "Are you SERIOUS?" "Was that necessary for walking to slow?" It became confrontational and combative with us both "expressing" our take on the situation. We went our separate ways and I was left with my emotions and feelings to sort out. After about 20 minutes of just being furious of the scene I witness I had to begin the process of putting things in perspective. I searched to find an understanding to this behavior without personalizing it (yeah right) . It is quite obvious that her reactionary response may be the result of some unresolved issues and/or unexpressed feelings; when viewed on much more than a surface level. This is the internal war I'm referring too.

WAR: (noun) 10. A state of opposition or contest; an act of opposition; an inimical contest, act, or action; enmity; hostility

  • (Verb) 2. To make war; to invade or attack a state or nation with force of arms; to carry on hostilities; to be in a state by violence
  • 3. To contend; to strive violently; to fight.
  • 4. To make war upon; to fight.
  • 5. To carry on, as a contest; to wage

(Websters Online Dictionary)

  Weapons Of Mass Destruction also known as Character Defects and Shortcomings within the human character. A character defect would be a flat tire. The shortcoming would be riding on it. Fear can be mistaking for anger. Anger turned inwards becomes Depression. Always remember that HURT PEOPLE; HURT PEOPLE! If I truly know what it feels like to be loved, then showing love to others is not a challenging task. There are trials, events and tribulations in our lives that rob us of the ability to be compassionate to one another. There are some who have never experienced anything close to love. Perception becomes distorted when mismanaged emotions begin to override the thought process and decision making. I, myself have been shown love throughout my life, however I didn't always recognize it as being love. If you didn't show me the affection the way I wanted it; I rejected your attempts of kindness. Yes, I was one SELF-CENTERED BASTARD! I began using others not even aware of my actions. I had "stinking" thinking and disillusioned concepts of relationships. I so badly wanted to do right, however I had no understanding of what a healthy relationship was. My surroundings and belief system was dysfunctional, but since that's all I knew it was "normal".

  Thus begins "The Internal Battles" of good vs. evil, right and wrong or to live or die (Death is not always physical)! Being unaware of my actions, thoughts, and ideas caused great discomfort and strife through the years. There were times when I had "moments of clarity", which were indicators that there were "glitches" in my MATRIX. It's like running a computer program(thinking, perceptions) and realizing that it has a virus(distorted, misinformed). You then see that the computer has been running & downloading slow with numerous pop-ups. When you've been running on an infected program for so long it is now YOUR "normal". You know you have issues/problems, but have no idea or direction on what to do about your programming situation. All you have is old information to deal with an ongoing dilemma. I so badly want to do right, however I just didn't know what to do. Denial sets in and I ignore my issues, then begin pointing fingers at who or whatever is within my line of fire. Now, frustration, anxiety, anger, hopelessness and fear consumes my character. Now my child is walking to slow and I punch her to ground screaming at the top of my lungs!

  As bad as I want to go in on Homegirl; I know I would just be judging her according to my understanding, beliefs, standards and/or perception. My ego will quickly prosecute her actions as wrong, so I can be right and feel superior and self-righteous. I'm a conscious minded thinker, which means I have to be able to recognize the unconsciousness in another without reacting unconsciously. Honestly speaking; that morning I acted a pure donkey! It was all emotions with no thought process to found. I quickly observed the same reactionary response she displayed in myself. Mine was worst than hers? How is that; when I didn't lay a hands on a child? As previously stated I consider myself to be conscious minded (aware) and I showed none whatsoever. Upon this realization, I analyzed my behaviors, which in turn would give me some insight of the young woman's conduct that I found so disturbing to me. On the surface we all differ in many ways, but below the surface we all suffer from some of the same deep rooted issues that are universal to the human existence.

CAUSALITY: the relation between a cause and its effect or between regularly correlated events or phenomena

  We are all; in some way somehow causalities on a greater scope of things. There are numerous equations and factors in our existence that cause us to act, respond, protect, isolate, and think the way we do; as individuals and collectively, which in turn effects our way of life as human beings searching for purpose with meaning. There has been ripple effects in my life caused by my unawareness, which has been the source of my frustrations, pain, mis-guided decisions, and hopelessness. My family, friends, co-workers, courts, jails, strangers, etc have been causalities of my ignorance (unconsciousness). I was clueless of how I impaired the lives of others due to my self centeredness. Because I was unable to identify with my Internal Battles I was inflicting havoc on those closest to me.

If I never wake up and redirect my consciousness it can have a life long effect for example on my daughter. It is quite possible that she will fall prey to the generational cancer; the one that spiritual and emotionally impeded myself a connection to a Source of Higher Consciousness. I rotated for years in the same vicious cycle of living as those before me. I made life choices based on what I was shown, taught, and understood. Now my daughter's mother and I will be the sound reasoning and trustworthy activist in her life. She will learn and maybe live by our understandings and actions until she can develop her own. Now, if our lives and thinking are dysfunctional; it is quite possible that she may struggle for years before coming into her own.

All this from a young mother's paroxysmal explosion towards her child walking to slow for her at that time. For me it is important to understand versus judging others from my single point of view. I have learned that we are connected by a Greater Source/Higher Conscious/Infinite Mind/God. So that alerts me to the fact, once connected with this force we can relate to anyone on a Emotional, Mental and Spiritual region of activity. Since we are all connected, I should be conscious enough to see myself within any individual without placing labels on them or putting them in "MY SELF RIGHTEOUS" categories. If taking the time I can discover myself through actions of others and not condemn them. Because no one should be involuntarily enlisted in my INTERNAL BATTLES causing them to be CAUSALITIES OF WAR.

By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Abraham Lincoln And His Racist Speeches

There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people at the idea of an indiscriminate Amalgamation it the white and black race. A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of Amalgamation but as immediate separation is impossible the next best thing is TO KEEP THEM APART where they are not already together"
 Speech on September 18, 1858 in Charleston, IL:"

I will say then that I am not, nor ever been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office. NOR TO INTERMARRY with white people and I will say in addition to this that THERE IS A PHYSICAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WHITE AND BLACK RACES. Which I believe will FOREVER forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality and in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together. There must be the position of superior and inferior and I as much as any other man am IN FAVOR OF HAVING THE SUPERIOR POSITION ASSIGNED TO THE WHITE RACES"

Speech on August 21, 1859 at Ottawa, IL:

"I hold that a Negro is not and NEVER OUGHT TO BE A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. I hold this government was made on the basis, by white men for the benefit of white men and their posterity FOREVER and SHOULD BE ADMINISTERED BY WHITE MEN AND NONE OTHERS."

He said this to Negroes at Washington D.C. on August 14,1862:

"Even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with white people on this broad continent not a single man of YOUR RACE IS MADE THE EQUAL OF A SINGLE MAN OF OURS. Go where you are treated the best. and THE BAN IS STILL UPON YOU…I cannot alter it if I would"

We must challenge and research the misinformed information that we have been taught. They give & educate us on what they want us to think, beLIEve, and digest. You will never get truth and justice form half truths! You cannot any longer afford to just follow and accept any and every thing that is handed to you w/o verification through your OWN research.

We in turn raise our children on these lies, wrong knowledge, distorted beliefs, & warped values, then defend those very things as if they were TRUTHS. When someone comes along with new information we reject it due to FEAR of the unknown. Our EGOS & pride engulfs our reasoning/logic systems and reduces us to be CLOSED minded, sometimes emotional about our beliefs.


By: ThirdsEyeView

Thursday, July 28, 2011


As I travel in this quest of Self Discovery, Knowledge Of Self (KOS) and activation of Higher Consciousness; on thing is for sure: The More I Learn The More I Realize I Don't Know! My illusions becomes more and more distorted/altered/unclear/faded as KNOWLEDGE becomes the change of the guard in my reality.  The broader the base of information the wider range of my perception expands in my new world. As always lets define what it is that I'm speaking on:

re-al-i-ty 1. the state or quality of being REAL
               2. resemblance to what is REAL
               3. a real thing or fact
               4. real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs
               5. Philos
                        1. something that exists independently of ideas concerning if
                        2. something that exists independently of all other things ans from which all other things derive
                6. something that is REAL
                7. something that constitutes  a REAL or actual thing, as distinguished from something that                     is merely apparent
                 8. in reality, IN FACT OR TRUTH; ACTUALLY


 Where many debates, confusions, and separations begin is simply a lack of knowledge on all parties.  We have been indoctrinated from birth through varies mediums, which include traditions, up bringing, educations, culture, religion, vital attributes and environments. Many of us; like myself have been exposed to several of these factors throughout our lives, which can cause even more disillusion, chaos and misinformation in our cypher.  So, information that is received is filtered through what we "BELIEVE" is the ultimate truth in OUR world, which exist in the mind sometimes without actual facts; only half truths and some else's doctrines, belief system and ideologies. We have in turned ACCEPTED others illusions/beliefs as OUR REALITY. Then when life appears to be haphazard and hopelessness we blame ourselves for not being faithful enough, for not being more righteous or giving.  Very few look at the origin of the value system they use to make life decisions and choices that may go against their NATURAL NATURE. These set of values are what causes you strife and grief in your everyday living. Why? Because they are not YOURS! You have become a square peg trying to fit in a circle opening and have yet to discover you DON'T FIT INTO THIS SOCIETIES UNNATURAL LAWS OF EXISTENCE.

  Your reality has become narrowed, limited and blurred. It's is impossible to have a WORLD point of view with a PEEPHOLE perception/view/knowledge.  Imagine looking at the world through a peephole and how limited that your point of views, arguments, conceptions, ideas, beliefs, overstanding and  thoughts would be. Many have used the term having "blinders on" or tunnel vision.  This analogy is all inclusive to everyone especially the "Conscious" community, who may have vision/sight, however it's very limited. The process is a LIFELONG process of growing and overstanding the many mysteries/sciences/phenomenas of this existence. 


First, we have to remove ALL the ways of living, thinking, believing and thought processes that have been embedded within us for many years. Second, now comes the task of finding and implementing new knowledge, wisdom and overstanding. Then, dissect that and try not to let it become your NEW RELIGION. Many of us get stuck on new ideas using old belief system to try to operate new information on. We first have to admit that we have been taught to be religious and believe; this is not our true nature.  There are so many school of thoughts that we can easily get stuck in Egyptology, Muhammadism, Jesusism, Moseism. I can't teach a Christian if I don't know the origins and history of Christianity.  I can't reach and teach my Muslim family if  I know nothing about the religion in which they have accepted.  Some might have a peephole knowledge/view of Islam or Christianity, then proceed to tell them about something they have very limited knowledge and information on. The more knowledge you obtain the less and less you attack others or debate them.  As you SEE the ignorance(not knowing)in them you should also SEE ignorance in yourself.  I personally may have experiences and knowledge in certain areas of my life, however not in all areas.  Wisdom keeps me humble and makes me open to learn and receive the lesson being taught in moment.


   I realize that I can not challenge, debate or argue a point based on my limited knowledge and/or perception that's only true in MY WORLD. My truth is a label to my reality.  If I am allergic to fish, that is MY TRUTH and my label is fish is "BAD".  Fish can't be "bad" if it's not bad for everybody. Our reality can be distorted and warped by labels that get us stuck and choosing sides. This is were the Laws Of Polarity come into play.  Simple put opposites are the same on scale they on differ in degrees. Like HOT & COLD temperatures on a thermometer. Where does HOT begin and COLD end or where does LOVE start and HATE ends.  By not overstanding The Seven UNIVERSAL LAWS which governs the ALL in ALL, we view, judge, respond, act and operate through a small; narrow PEEPHOLE OF REALITY. The Law of Polarity lets us know that truths are only half-truths, however we hold others as well as ourselves accountable to half-truths with the assumption that they are ABSOLUTE TRUTHS. This is you PEEPHOLE!  Let your ego go, allow your willingness to turn the doorknob that will OPEN THE DOOR (MIND) and SEE the universal verses a partially blurred parking lot!

By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011


We are deserving of the rewards, destinys, consequences and/or success/failure we get. It's is by our very actions that determine our just dues. For so many years I focused on the OTHER people and what THEY said and did to me was my excuse not to look in the mirror and face the real culprit; ME! Even in this present time, when I have more AWARE & AWAKEN thoughts there are events & mishaps that manifest that has me bewildered of their origins. The age old Question of DENIAL raises it's head of: "How could this happen to ME?" Which at this time I begin to RATIONALIZE; with SELECTED MEMORY; that I AM such "GOOD" person who serves others, provide for my family as well as other families in need, blah, blah, blah, blah, so forth and so on. All of sudden in meditation and thought a revelation was given to me why these "unexplainable"(which is just DENIAL)events/happenings/consequences keep REOCCURRING in MY life.

The truth at hand is that nothing is "REOCCURRING" it has never being faced or dealt with. I continuously choose consciously or sub-consciously not to deal with certain aspects of my existence and keep putting it on the "back burn". It continuously makes it rounds withIN in my life of this REOCCURRING loop/wheel/cycle. Have you notice with yourself or with someone else; that they go through the SAME events/pressures/pain/hardships like clock work. You can pretty much set your watch to their statregically timed mishaps. So, I had to investigate why despite of my many awakenings, lifestyle refinements and Spiritual reVISION I keep having these glitches in my programming. The best description for ME is KARMA!

kar·ma (kär'mə)

Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
Fate; destiny.
Informal. A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling:

I SEE life as loops/circles rotating ever so often. Their are many rotating loops/circles/phases that when they reach the end they begin again. We are to learn & grow through each cycle, by removing and adding whatever is learnt or extract what no longer has use or value for the next "NEW" phase/level/realm/state of Consciousness we are about to enter. I usually catch and discard the more obvious distractions that are more visible on the physical realm. I can see how not properly bugeting finances can put unwanted pressures on me. So, I make the necessary adjustments to relieve myself of those potential stresses. I can see how unhealthy eating choices has had an effect of my health or PHYSICAL appearance. So, I begin making the proper adjustments to begin correcting what is OBVIOUS!

However, it's the subtle and esoteric thoughts/programming that are undetectable for the simply reasoning I have accepted these as MY TRUTHS and have yet to SEE or OVERSTAND that their functions are dysfunctional and causing havoc at every phase and cycle I struggle through. Some refer to this as "BAD LUCK", "Can't get a Break", "Everytime I get ahead there is ALWAYS SOMETHING"!! That "SOMETHING" is YOU! You not recognizing, dealing with or correcting the patterns of distorted thinking that has plagued and run amock through your lives. KARMA is usually defined as what goes around comes around. Insanity has been described as DOING the SAME thing and EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT. Bad Karma can quickly become Insanity if left unattended and uncheck.

It is beneficial that we reexamine ALL that we know or think we know about the truth. We have to overstand how belief systems, traditions, upbringing and our environment shapes and develops thought patterns that we then make life changing choices based on the collections of these attributes. Those choices may conflict with our NATURAL NATURE placing us in an unhealthy cycle of INSANITY reaping "BAD" Karma. However, being In touch with our NATURAL NATURE will produce euphoric and a tranquil state of mind, body and spirit; "GOOD" Karma. We must monitor our actions with people, places and things. Our choice to indulge/participate or entertain certain ideas, individuals or thoughts will place you in the path of those energies/spirits, regardless of how righteous or conscious you believe you are. We can open up the doors to some DISAGREEABLE energy/spirits through music, foods, media(TV,Movies), individuals or through our own inability to manage our EMOTIONS!

Obtaining & OVERSTAND of OUTFORMATION is critical in changing your energy and producing "GOOD" Karma versus "BAD" Karma, which quickly metamorphose into the plane of INSANITY undetected. KNOWLEDGE Of SELF will assist & eliminate the chances of a repetitive path of hurt, disappoint, stress. and/or hopelessness REOCCURRING in our next transition stage of evolution. So, just don't obtain KNOWLEDGE, but APPLY IT as well. Gather the knowledge you have and start the process of dissecting your experiences and extract the "BAD" Karma germ that continues to be the thorn in your side. Get out of that DEAD relationship, which keeps your LOVE BUG GENE dead as well. Stop feeding your subconscious with subliminal suggested music and te-LIE-vision, which grows withIN and manifest itself into your world & destiny. Stop indulging in to activities, drugs, alcohol and clubbing with the ghouls and ghost of the night life; that bring those DISAGREEABLE forces into your creative process.


By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon

I had to examine the term "Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon" and how does it apply to ME.  I know I have to interact with individuals, who don't have my best interest or vibrate on the same frequency as me, due to business, job, public service, government or  It takes an acquired set of skills, intelligence, patients to humble ones self to do so, while maintaining a set of spiritual principles without just "SNAPPING" on a muthafather! I lose the battle by traveling to their lower abode of functioning and thinking.

 Due to recent events I've experienced; the phrase "Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon" was mentioned by a co-worker. I quickly agreed to the statement without hesitation. On second glance, I was convicted to define this age old saying that I have so frequently uttered and misinterpreted in the past. Since I have been evolving into a conscious state of being and applying right knowledge and overstanding in my actions; I MUST not just assume that what I say or do is correct or accurate. I MUST know they are. I have lived a lifetime through OTHERS thoughts, definition, experiences, and programming that has gone against the grain of my true Nature as a Spiritual Being.  This irresponsible and lazy decision making had cause me considerable pain and misfortune over the years.


 For me to "feed" something or somebody is to keep me connected physical or emotional to that/who I have decided to keep a distant between, hence the "Long Handle". Per the above definition I am gulity of nourishing someone that I obviously am not trying to have relations with.  Fire needs air to survive and/or be affective. Fire can be used for warmth, cooking, boiling, sterilizing, etc. It also burns, destroy, kill, pollute, etc. In this scenario the second fire is what I am making  reference too. The providing of air(feed) to someone who will "injure/burn/ hurt" me if I continue to stay connected to them by "Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon".

 I found FOR ME; that it is more conducive that I disconnect as much as possible; if not completely  from anyone or anything that will cause me harm. Their presence or actions may cause me to act out in a negative manner, even when I know better. All because I did not separate  myself, when the opportunity has arisen with facts and evidence that the future & outcome can be damaging; if continued.  Wisdom will be the deciding factor of when and how to do so.

 By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 30, 2011



There are conflicts, arguments, misunderstandings, wars, killings (fill free to add whatever else) based on our opinions of what we THINK we know. There is great understanding and no Overstanding of what is reality and what is illusion. It's not what I knew that caused me pain; it was what I didn't know and overstand that caused me discomfort. There was a point in my life where I stopped growing mentally & spiritually. I began indulging and educating myself in subjects that feed my egoic mind. I searched for identity in my association with people, places, & things. Materialism and Self Absorption became the new gospel (Ghost-Spell) and creed of my existence. Everything around me was based in a reward system. My 6 yrs of service in the United States Marine Corps taught me that money, power, privilege came with every stripe I earned. The entertainment world and the mass media pushed success with titles, position, money, cars, degrees, and who you associated with. Grade school gave stars by the names of the children who did great job that day. "Their" definitions slowly became my definitions. "Their" lies slowly became my truths. "Their" illusions became my reality.

Two years ago I was sitting in another Rehab & Treatment facility trying to get that monkey that was now a full grown Silver Back Gorilla off my back again. As I was sitting in one the group sessions expressing my thoughts of doing something different, the counselor continued asking the same damn question "What do you mean by that?" "Is that the definition of that word or is it YOUR definition of that word?" Fuck, have I been living off misunderstood words, quotes, and a distorted beliefs for all these years. I was doing the same things; calling it different and getting the same results; which by the way is INSANITY! My THINKING had not changed in many many years, which is why I was always stressed, angry,depressed, lonely and hopeless. It was time to humble myself and surrender to the FACT that I did not know it all and that I was a very closed minded individual. In the Basic Text Book used in Narcotics Anonymous it says that "everything we know about the truth is subject to revision"

What I have found is that people will alter the definitions of something to make it fit their reality, which is actually a conceptualized one. I, myself did not want the truth, because if I accepted it I would HAVE TO CHANGE the false reality that I have worked so hard to make real for myself and others. The EGO is a muthafucka! Accepting the true definition on one subject caused a domino effect to ripple through my life. By accepting truth, living a lie becomes encumbering. Many of us will not seek higher enlightenment, just so we can be right in our OWN eyes. We then teach this same distorted and misinformation to our children; which in the long run will be their destruction, if they themselves choose to follow our same path of ignorance. This is the moment of truth: a): lay down our false pride and ego and embark upon a spiritual awakening; b): DIE! Not only is it important to know the meaning of anything, but also overstand it. Denial will be the greatest barrier to achieving a restoration of the spirit. Denial will tell us we don't have a problem everyone else does.

Here are few words that inner twine with each other and are heavily misunderstood: Faith; Trust; Belief(Believe); Hope

*FAITH - 1) confidence or TRUST in a person of thing; 2) BELIEF that is not based on proof  3) a system of religious BELIEFS

*TRUST - 1) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc of a person of thing; CONFIDENCE; 2) confident EXPECTATION of something; HOPE  3) a person on whom or thing on which one relies

*BELIEF - 1) something BELIEVED; an opinion of conviction; 2) CONFIDENCE in the TRUTH or existence of something NOT immediately susceptible to rigorous proof   3) CONFIDENCE; FAITH; TRUST

*HOPE - 1) the FEELING that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best; 2) a particular instance of this FEELING; 3) grounds for this FEELING in a particular instance 4) <span>a person or thing in which EXPECTATIONS are centered  5) something that is HOPED for</span>

*BELIEVE(BE-LIE) - 1) to have CONFIDENCE in the TRUTH, the existence, or the reliability of something, although WITHOUT ABSOLUTE PROOF that one is right in doing so;   2) to have CONFIDENCE or FAITH in the TRUTH of; 5) to suppose or assume

*CONFIDENCE - 1) full TRUST; BELIEF in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing; 2) BELIEF in oneself and one's power; self confidence

The above words are some the most repeatedly used words within this American society, if not the world over. These words inner twine heavily with one another. My question to you is the same question that counselor presented to me "Who's definitions are you living by? The correct one or your interpretation, that will justify you doing what you have always done." The above words have us looking everywhere OUTSIDE of ourselves to fill that void we have on the INSIDE. It is up to you as an individual to fulfill and restore joy and peace in your life. Happiness is a INSIDE JOB! Everything you will EVERY NEED was given to you upon your conception into these physical realm. When our spirits incarnated in these flesh & bone bodies; it came with the essence of the universe and The Creators of it. We MUST go inside and reactivate what has laid dormant due to intentional misdirection of our souls by those who want us to die, before we rule this universe again.

We cannot awaken the God Being within us following a doctrine of lies design to extract our divinity, which is our birth rights. You can begin to change your fate and your lives by asking yourself simple questions like:

Why do I do what I do?
Who's really in control?
Why do I believe what I believe?
I'm doing what I was told and life gets
harder. Why?
Where do I get my answers from?
Who do I follow and why?
Why do I follow and not lead?
Is what I'm doing working or do I think it's
Do you BELIEVE or do you KNOW?

Soon you will discover that many things you do or believe were given to you or taught to you. Where did the people or doctrines get it from, when they passed it own to you? Maybe it was my parents parents parents. Which they got it from the plantation during slavery. This is how many of our traditions were created. So, what were we doing prior to being oppressed slaves? We were Kings and Queens of our own land for millions of years. Before the English language, before Moses, Joseph, Noah, Abraham, Jesus of the Holy Bible. How do you define that era of time? We are living through the understanding, rules, laws, & traditions from post-slavery, not pre-slavery. We find ourselves doing things, because everyone else is doing it, so it must be right, right? Wrong. I employ you to find the sources of all you know. Once you discover right knowledge; you become like a onion with many layers. You will peel away layer after layer; getting closer to overstanding what it means to DEFINING DEFINITIONS OF LIFE.

By Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved