FREE - adjective. 1) enjoying PERSONAL rights or liberty, as person not in slavery. 2) pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy PERSONAL liberty 6) able to do something at will; at liberty 9) exempt or released from something specified that controls, restraints, burdens, etc
FREEDOM - noun. 1) the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. 2) exempt from EXTERNAL control, interference, regulation 3) the POWER to determine action without restraint 6) exemption from the presence of anything specified 7) the absence of or release from ties, OBLIGATIONS 11) the absence of ceremony or reserve 15) the right to enjoy all the privileges or special rights of citizenship, membership, etc, in a community or the like
LIBERTY - noun. 1) freedom from arbitrary of despotic government of control. 2) freedom from external or foreign rule; independence 3) freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc power or right of doing, thinking speaking, etc.; according to CHOICE
In order for someone needing to be free; they first have to be convinced that they're current status is that of some type of bondage and/or limited/restricted movement. I found that most aren't asking the right questions or just not concerned with questioning anything about WHY do you do or think what you think. Long-term conditioning over several hundred years has placed withIN the subconscious spirit/mind of Africans residing AmeriKKKa that we are the inferior, the minority and that we are incapable of providing (surviving) without their education, their current system, their governing laws and the God in their image. We have become a race of people who have become co-dependent to a lesser and more primitive being and governing body of rule. We have been bombarded with images of Europeans being the superior race through books, tel-LIE-vision, stories, religion, government and fear tactics.
When our ancestors were ENSLAVED not slaves; they would inject fear into the minds of other enslaved Afrikaans by making them witness the barbaric acts committed against our ancestors. They would gather all the Afrikaans together a make them observe as they would castrate the men or decapitate the heads of Afrikaans who bucked their system. They would make us watch has they would hang pregnant women upside down and split them open has the baby would hang out of the mother's wound. Men, women and children were forced to watch these inhumane and ghastly acts as a form of MIND CONTROL. These same imagines are alive, more advanced and accepted today in our community. They call it ENTERTAINMENT! The offspring of those who committed those monstrous acts against us are still doing psychological damage(MIND CONTROL) to us by the millions through the music industry, Hollywood movies, magazines and through the miseducation of our youth with HIS-STORY and they call OUR STORY a mystery (MY-STORY). They are creating GODS for us to worship is the form of actors/actresses, entertainers, rappers/singers, top models, etc. They know we are addicted to the Image of the Beast and beLIEve whatever they author, direct, teach or speak on.
FEAR, CONDITIONING and IMAGERY are 3 of the many other tools used against us to have us believe that we need to fight and beg for something that we already are.....FREE!
Freedom is a choice that we all make as individuals. Our choices are what keeps us in bondage and at the mercy of others. We have become enslaved by our own admissions and decisions to live a lifestyle that society says is success. We think the things we want are the things we need due to advertisement and commercialism. We have voluntarily accepted the Image, Thoughts and Desires of the Beast as our very own. When we suffer from lack of having KNOWLEDGE of SELF and of OURSTORY we automatically become victims to our very own ignorance; hence causing our enslavement. So, now many of us ban together with other lost souls and begin our campaign to ask our oppressors to treat them equally and fairly. Honestly, they cannot solve our ultimate problem, which is US!
Nubians have fallen under the Spell of Kingu(Leviathan):
Our inability to use critical thinking to ask ourselves about what is going on versus what we are told is going on has us pursing and fighting for lost causes. We are spending to much time chasing Unicorns, Four Leaf Clovers, Leprechauns and rubbing rabbits feet. In other words we are dealing with REAL LIFE issues with illusionary, misinformed, distorted belief, perception and programmed thinking patterns. The only FREEDOM we need is from ourselves that operate on false interpretations and doctrines. So, let's quit asking other people or entities to FREE us! Regain control of your mind and you'll find the FREEDOM you seek!"The is an evil hypnotic spell cast upon the Nubian people(Ptahites Ethiopian-Kuwshites) everywhere called KINGU. KINGU is "The Spell of Sleep" (of the subconscious mind) or what is commonly known as "The Spell of Leviathan" which is enforced through religious propaganda that promotes scriptures such as the Bible and Koran, as indisputable sacred books. Religion itself, is a spell. How? Religion Is A Spell because it keeps you thinking that someone is going to save you, when the helping hand that you're looking for is at the end of your arm. RELIGION IS A SPELL because it has you believing that you can't anything of worth until after you die, when all you have to do is work for it...." Dr. Malachi Kobina York
By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.
Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved.
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