Thursday, July 28, 2011


As I travel in this quest of Self Discovery, Knowledge Of Self (KOS) and activation of Higher Consciousness; on thing is for sure: The More I Learn The More I Realize I Don't Know! My illusions becomes more and more distorted/altered/unclear/faded as KNOWLEDGE becomes the change of the guard in my reality.  The broader the base of information the wider range of my perception expands in my new world. As always lets define what it is that I'm speaking on:

re-al-i-ty 1. the state or quality of being REAL
               2. resemblance to what is REAL
               3. a real thing or fact
               4. real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs
               5. Philos
                        1. something that exists independently of ideas concerning if
                        2. something that exists independently of all other things ans from which all other things derive
                6. something that is REAL
                7. something that constitutes  a REAL or actual thing, as distinguished from something that                     is merely apparent
                 8. in reality, IN FACT OR TRUTH; ACTUALLY


 Where many debates, confusions, and separations begin is simply a lack of knowledge on all parties.  We have been indoctrinated from birth through varies mediums, which include traditions, up bringing, educations, culture, religion, vital attributes and environments. Many of us; like myself have been exposed to several of these factors throughout our lives, which can cause even more disillusion, chaos and misinformation in our cypher.  So, information that is received is filtered through what we "BELIEVE" is the ultimate truth in OUR world, which exist in the mind sometimes without actual facts; only half truths and some else's doctrines, belief system and ideologies. We have in turned ACCEPTED others illusions/beliefs as OUR REALITY. Then when life appears to be haphazard and hopelessness we blame ourselves for not being faithful enough, for not being more righteous or giving.  Very few look at the origin of the value system they use to make life decisions and choices that may go against their NATURAL NATURE. These set of values are what causes you strife and grief in your everyday living. Why? Because they are not YOURS! You have become a square peg trying to fit in a circle opening and have yet to discover you DON'T FIT INTO THIS SOCIETIES UNNATURAL LAWS OF EXISTENCE.

  Your reality has become narrowed, limited and blurred. It's is impossible to have a WORLD point of view with a PEEPHOLE perception/view/knowledge.  Imagine looking at the world through a peephole and how limited that your point of views, arguments, conceptions, ideas, beliefs, overstanding and  thoughts would be. Many have used the term having "blinders on" or tunnel vision.  This analogy is all inclusive to everyone especially the "Conscious" community, who may have vision/sight, however it's very limited. The process is a LIFELONG process of growing and overstanding the many mysteries/sciences/phenomenas of this existence. 


First, we have to remove ALL the ways of living, thinking, believing and thought processes that have been embedded within us for many years. Second, now comes the task of finding and implementing new knowledge, wisdom and overstanding. Then, dissect that and try not to let it become your NEW RELIGION. Many of us get stuck on new ideas using old belief system to try to operate new information on. We first have to admit that we have been taught to be religious and believe; this is not our true nature.  There are so many school of thoughts that we can easily get stuck in Egyptology, Muhammadism, Jesusism, Moseism. I can't teach a Christian if I don't know the origins and history of Christianity.  I can't reach and teach my Muslim family if  I know nothing about the religion in which they have accepted.  Some might have a peephole knowledge/view of Islam or Christianity, then proceed to tell them about something they have very limited knowledge and information on. The more knowledge you obtain the less and less you attack others or debate them.  As you SEE the ignorance(not knowing)in them you should also SEE ignorance in yourself.  I personally may have experiences and knowledge in certain areas of my life, however not in all areas.  Wisdom keeps me humble and makes me open to learn and receive the lesson being taught in moment.


   I realize that I can not challenge, debate or argue a point based on my limited knowledge and/or perception that's only true in MY WORLD. My truth is a label to my reality.  If I am allergic to fish, that is MY TRUTH and my label is fish is "BAD".  Fish can't be "bad" if it's not bad for everybody. Our reality can be distorted and warped by labels that get us stuck and choosing sides. This is were the Laws Of Polarity come into play.  Simple put opposites are the same on scale they on differ in degrees. Like HOT & COLD temperatures on a thermometer. Where does HOT begin and COLD end or where does LOVE start and HATE ends.  By not overstanding The Seven UNIVERSAL LAWS which governs the ALL in ALL, we view, judge, respond, act and operate through a small; narrow PEEPHOLE OF REALITY. The Law of Polarity lets us know that truths are only half-truths, however we hold others as well as ourselves accountable to half-truths with the assumption that they are ABSOLUTE TRUTHS. This is you PEEPHOLE!  Let your ego go, allow your willingness to turn the doorknob that will OPEN THE DOOR (MIND) and SEE the universal verses a partially blurred parking lot!

By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011


We are deserving of the rewards, destinys, consequences and/or success/failure we get. It's is by our very actions that determine our just dues. For so many years I focused on the OTHER people and what THEY said and did to me was my excuse not to look in the mirror and face the real culprit; ME! Even in this present time, when I have more AWARE & AWAKEN thoughts there are events & mishaps that manifest that has me bewildered of their origins. The age old Question of DENIAL raises it's head of: "How could this happen to ME?" Which at this time I begin to RATIONALIZE; with SELECTED MEMORY; that I AM such "GOOD" person who serves others, provide for my family as well as other families in need, blah, blah, blah, blah, so forth and so on. All of sudden in meditation and thought a revelation was given to me why these "unexplainable"(which is just DENIAL)events/happenings/consequences keep REOCCURRING in MY life.

The truth at hand is that nothing is "REOCCURRING" it has never being faced or dealt with. I continuously choose consciously or sub-consciously not to deal with certain aspects of my existence and keep putting it on the "back burn". It continuously makes it rounds withIN in my life of this REOCCURRING loop/wheel/cycle. Have you notice with yourself or with someone else; that they go through the SAME events/pressures/pain/hardships like clock work. You can pretty much set your watch to their statregically timed mishaps. So, I had to investigate why despite of my many awakenings, lifestyle refinements and Spiritual reVISION I keep having these glitches in my programming. The best description for ME is KARMA!

kar·ma (kär'mə)

Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
Fate; destiny.
Informal. A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling:

I SEE life as loops/circles rotating ever so often. Their are many rotating loops/circles/phases that when they reach the end they begin again. We are to learn & grow through each cycle, by removing and adding whatever is learnt or extract what no longer has use or value for the next "NEW" phase/level/realm/state of Consciousness we are about to enter. I usually catch and discard the more obvious distractions that are more visible on the physical realm. I can see how not properly bugeting finances can put unwanted pressures on me. So, I make the necessary adjustments to relieve myself of those potential stresses. I can see how unhealthy eating choices has had an effect of my health or PHYSICAL appearance. So, I begin making the proper adjustments to begin correcting what is OBVIOUS!

However, it's the subtle and esoteric thoughts/programming that are undetectable for the simply reasoning I have accepted these as MY TRUTHS and have yet to SEE or OVERSTAND that their functions are dysfunctional and causing havoc at every phase and cycle I struggle through. Some refer to this as "BAD LUCK", "Can't get a Break", "Everytime I get ahead there is ALWAYS SOMETHING"!! That "SOMETHING" is YOU! You not recognizing, dealing with or correcting the patterns of distorted thinking that has plagued and run amock through your lives. KARMA is usually defined as what goes around comes around. Insanity has been described as DOING the SAME thing and EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT. Bad Karma can quickly become Insanity if left unattended and uncheck.

It is beneficial that we reexamine ALL that we know or think we know about the truth. We have to overstand how belief systems, traditions, upbringing and our environment shapes and develops thought patterns that we then make life changing choices based on the collections of these attributes. Those choices may conflict with our NATURAL NATURE placing us in an unhealthy cycle of INSANITY reaping "BAD" Karma. However, being In touch with our NATURAL NATURE will produce euphoric and a tranquil state of mind, body and spirit; "GOOD" Karma. We must monitor our actions with people, places and things. Our choice to indulge/participate or entertain certain ideas, individuals or thoughts will place you in the path of those energies/spirits, regardless of how righteous or conscious you believe you are. We can open up the doors to some DISAGREEABLE energy/spirits through music, foods, media(TV,Movies), individuals or through our own inability to manage our EMOTIONS!

Obtaining & OVERSTAND of OUTFORMATION is critical in changing your energy and producing "GOOD" Karma versus "BAD" Karma, which quickly metamorphose into the plane of INSANITY undetected. KNOWLEDGE Of SELF will assist & eliminate the chances of a repetitive path of hurt, disappoint, stress. and/or hopelessness REOCCURRING in our next transition stage of evolution. So, just don't obtain KNOWLEDGE, but APPLY IT as well. Gather the knowledge you have and start the process of dissecting your experiences and extract the "BAD" Karma germ that continues to be the thorn in your side. Get out of that DEAD relationship, which keeps your LOVE BUG GENE dead as well. Stop feeding your subconscious with subliminal suggested music and te-LIE-vision, which grows withIN and manifest itself into your world & destiny. Stop indulging in to activities, drugs, alcohol and clubbing with the ghouls and ghost of the night life; that bring those DISAGREEABLE forces into your creative process.


By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon

I had to examine the term "Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon" and how does it apply to ME.  I know I have to interact with individuals, who don't have my best interest or vibrate on the same frequency as me, due to business, job, public service, government or  It takes an acquired set of skills, intelligence, patients to humble ones self to do so, while maintaining a set of spiritual principles without just "SNAPPING" on a muthafather! I lose the battle by traveling to their lower abode of functioning and thinking.

 Due to recent events I've experienced; the phrase "Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon" was mentioned by a co-worker. I quickly agreed to the statement without hesitation. On second glance, I was convicted to define this age old saying that I have so frequently uttered and misinterpreted in the past. Since I have been evolving into a conscious state of being and applying right knowledge and overstanding in my actions; I MUST not just assume that what I say or do is correct or accurate. I MUST know they are. I have lived a lifetime through OTHERS thoughts, definition, experiences, and programming that has gone against the grain of my true Nature as a Spiritual Being.  This irresponsible and lazy decision making had cause me considerable pain and misfortune over the years.


 For me to "feed" something or somebody is to keep me connected physical or emotional to that/who I have decided to keep a distant between, hence the "Long Handle". Per the above definition I am gulity of nourishing someone that I obviously am not trying to have relations with.  Fire needs air to survive and/or be affective. Fire can be used for warmth, cooking, boiling, sterilizing, etc. It also burns, destroy, kill, pollute, etc. In this scenario the second fire is what I am making  reference too. The providing of air(feed) to someone who will "injure/burn/ hurt" me if I continue to stay connected to them by "Feeding Them With A Long Handle Spoon".

 I found FOR ME; that it is more conducive that I disconnect as much as possible; if not completely  from anyone or anything that will cause me harm. Their presence or actions may cause me to act out in a negative manner, even when I know better. All because I did not separate  myself, when the opportunity has arisen with facts and evidence that the future & outcome can be damaging; if continued.  Wisdom will be the deciding factor of when and how to do so.

 By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.

Copyrighted Material. All Rights Reserved