Now the BLUEPRINT has been drawn up for more than 400+ years for the "construction" of these massive WALLS they have employed so many of us to erect. I was unaware of the excavation period of our MINDS, CULTURE AND SPIRITS. So unnaturally I accepted the tools that were giving to me not knowing the collaboration efforts of this "Construction Company" and their plans to use me as well as others to build our own "town". The "BLUEPRINT" was designed where psychologically they would be able to instill within us the desire and will to produce these structures with limited to no supervision from them. So, through fear tactics, confusion, chaos and lack of self knowledge we are ready for the "TOOLS" to begin this task.
The tools I was given were IDEOLOGIES, BELIEFS, INDOCTRINATION, RELIGION, LACK OF CULTURE and UNDERSTANDING rather than OVERSTANDING of SELF. These tools were introduced to me through Tell-LIE-vision, mass media, rituals, traditions, education systems and my surroundings. Even though I was born with the wealth and knowledge of a Construction Company through my lineage of my great great great grandparents who were responsible for many of today's systems and wonders; one being the PYRAMIDS. They knew of these marvels, our abilities and knowledge that would be past down to myself, my brothers and my sisters, because it was our inheritance by birth right and in our BLOODLINES. So, before I would realize that I AM a CREATOR/GOD, they suppressed and defocus my mind disabling it from expanding and growing to its full abilities and potentials. They need me to be DEPENDENT on them rather than INDEPENDENT from them. The objective is to make me believe I can never do for myself and direct me away from being one with NATURE.
The materials used in these projects were some of the strongest compositions introduced to the Human psychic. When these materials are cured and molded over time it can become impenetrable as any natural element produced by nature. However, the blessing in that is it would only SEEM that it's that sturdy, but our true nature will always prevail. The materials have been molding and forming for more than 400+ years. The material includes: IGNORANCE, FEAR, SHAME, GUILT, ENVY, HATE, DESPAIR, IRRITABILITY, HOPELESSNESS, FAITH, DEPENDENCE, LACK OF SELF, RAPE, MURDER, SELF HATRED, DENIAL, SELFISHNESS. WORTHLESSNESS and SPIRITUAL, MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL BANKRUPTCY. Those are just a few of the raw materials, when compounded over time can create one of the most unyielding material known to man.
Now I begin to "construct" mental barriers (walls) using the above materials, which I laid BRICK BY BRICK. After years of going along with the designed BLUEPRINT executed with the provided TOOLS my "WALL" grows in height and width. I began to defend off anyone who is seemingly trying to destroy, that which I have worked so long and so hard to achieve. Those individuals are labeled automatically as troublemakers, heathens, devils, sinners, etc. I was programmed to reject any other 'BLUEPRINTS" that were unfamiliar and new. This in turn caused me to add more to my "WALL" to insure that none of those individuals or ideas will gain access to me.
Along my path I would meet persons who themselves have also at one time or another been employed by the same "Construction Company" and overstood my plight and mission. They knew that my "WALL" was composed over the years by laying ONE BRICK at a time. They knew that the only way to bring this massive monument down, without me feeling threaten was to do it BRICK BY BRICK. They began slowly by asking me about the BLUEPRINTS, TOOLS and MATERIALS I was GIVEN! Once I began answering my own questions and motives the bricks were being removed unaware by me. Once enough of those materials (issues/lies/character defects/unmanagable emotions) were removed I began to see more of the REAL world, instead of the illusionary and fabricated reality that was outlined for me in "their" blueprint.
As my "WALLS" were slowly being torn down; my vision was becoming less impaired. I was now beginnng to see that my "CONSTRUCTION" efforts were in reality a "DESTRUCTION" process of my NATURAL NATURE/SPIRIT. The "CONSTRUCTION" company was in fact a DESTRUCTIVE force set to destroy and eliminate an entire culture of people from whom they feared would one day raise again; as dictated by NATURE and her CYCLES. Those individuals who came to my aid were BUILDERS, who dismantle the efforts of the enemy by building me up and allowing my Mind's Eye to SEE for itself......again! What "WALLS" are hiding behind? What "WALLS" are obstructing your view? What "WALLS" are blocking the mirror that will show you; YOU?
These same "WALLS" also create that IMAGINARY BOX you insist on living in. We must escape our self made prison where the guards are our failure to wake up to the truths around us. You are holding yourself hostage by refusing to be (HOW) HONEST, OPEN-MINDED and WILLING to do anything other than what you have always done. New ideas cannot be grafted on a closed mind. The world around us is changing rapidly, however we refuse to change with it. History has proven that those who do not adapt and evolve will perish by their own stubbornness.
In conclusion it was a must that I reexamined what I consider to be truth and question EVERY AND ALL THINGS that influenced my life and decisions making. My Thoughts become My Words, which become My Action, which become My Habits, which becomes My Character which, becomes My Destiny.
So the question is what FORMED and CREATED your THOUGHTS?
By: Erick "ThirdsEyeView" B.
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